Real-time PCR as a promising tool to monitor growth of Venturia spp. in scab-susceptible and -resistant apple leaves

Apple scab, the most important disease of apple worldwide, is caused by Venturia inaequalis. Currently, evaluation of fungal pathogenicity and host resistance is based on a symptomatic disease rating. However, this method does not provide an accurate measurement of the degree of infection and cannot detect early fungal development in symptomless leaves. In . . . → Read More: Real-time PCR as a promising tool to monitor growth of Venturia spp. in scab-susceptible and -resistant apple leaves


The development of a validated real-time (TaqMan) PCR for detection of Stagonosporopsis andigena and S. crystalliniformis in infected leaves of potato and tomato

Stagonosporopsis andigena and S. crystalliniformis are serious foliage pathogens on potato (Solanum tuberosum) and tomato (Solanum lycopersicum). As both species have been recorded only in the Andes area, S. andigena is listed as an A1 quarantine organism in Europe. The actin region of isolates of Stagonosporopsis and allied species of Boeremia, Didymella, Peyronellaea . . . → Read More: The development of a validated real-time (TaqMan) PCR for detection of Stagonosporopsis andigena and S. crystalliniformis in infected leaves of potato and tomato


Development of specific markers for identification of Indian isolates of Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. ricini

Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. ricini (F. o. ricini) is a ubiquitous soil borne pathogen which causes wilt disease on castor (Ricinus communis L). Rapid and reliable detection of the pathogen is essential for undertaking appropriate and timely disease management measures. Identification based on cultural, morphological characteristics and pathogenicity tests are time-consuming and laborious. . . . → Read More: Development of specific markers for identification of Indian isolates of Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. ricini


Conventional and real-time PCR for the identification of Fusarium fujikuroi and Fusarium proliferatum from diseased rice tissues and seeds

Fusarium fujikuroi is a species of the Gibberella fujikuroi species complex (GFSC) and the causal agent of bakanae disease on rice. Even if F. fujikuroi is the most abundant Fusarium species found on rice, other species can also be isolated from rice, such as F. proliferatum. Multiple alignment of translation elongation factor (TEF) . . . → Read More: Conventional and real-time PCR for the identification of Fusarium fujikuroi and Fusarium proliferatum from diseased rice tissues and seeds


A new large scale soil DNA extraction procedure and real-time PCR assay for the detection of Sclerotium cepivorum in soil

A real-time PCR assay specific for Sclerotium cepivorum, the causal agent of white rot in onions, was developed for use with a new DNA extraction method capable of processing up to 1 kg of soil in weight. The assay was specific for S. cepivorum when tested against 24 isolates representative of 14 closely . . . → Read More: A new large scale soil DNA extraction procedure and real-time PCR assay for the detection of Sclerotium cepivorum in soil
