Work in progress [15 march 2012]

Lots of stuff today, mainly focused on the resource page formatting (Top Ten Most Viewed Primer Sets and Last Ten Loaded Primer Sets), which involves many database queries. I fixed also part of the journal list, since many links were found broken (task will continue tomorrow). The useful link list, present on the old site, . . . → Read More: Work in progress [15 march 2012]


work in progress [14 march 2012]

Hello. Today the functions providing the queries to external databases and Blast have been fixed. Some formatting issues are still to be checked, but I think the whole site could be ready for the weekend. Cheers, Stefano

Uploaded with WordPress for BlackBerry.


Work in Progress [13 March 2012]

Today many issues affecting page formatting with mysql database calls have been fixed. The advanced search page is fully working with wp code and definitively exited from beta; the primer set card is almost fixed, the database calls is the best improvement: links out have to be fixed, as well as some obsolete graphics and . . . → Read More: Work in Progress [13 March 2012]


Work in progress [9 march 2012]

hello. The today programmed task has been completed successfully. The “quick search” page is now fully working, after been converted from the previous PHP code. Next task: to convert also the “advanced search“ page! in mixed html and php code….

have a nice weekend!



Work in progress [8 march 2012]

Hello. The site development is moving fast. Today I completely changed the site look, since I was looking for a rounded style. Now, the site aspect is really close to my wishes. The Feedback form page is now working, even if some functionalities are still missing.

…and it’s so easy building an entire site! It . . . → Read More: Work in progress [8 march 2012]
