The New Institute for Sustainable Plant Protection

logo.ipspOn May 1st 2014, the Institute of Plant Virology (IVV) and the Institute for Plant Protection (IPP) of the National Research Council of Italy (CNR) merged into the newly formed Institute for Sustainable Plant Protection (IPSP). Both the former Institutes were already involved in the development of sustainable strategies for plant protection. The new Institute counts nearly 110 people and it is made up of 5 Research Units: the Turin Headquarter, the Turin Unit, the Florence Unit, the Portici Unit (Naples) and the Bari Unit. Such Italy-wide distribution represents an unprecedented opportunity to involve different social, economic and environmental situations. IPSP represents the most important CNR research group in the agricultural and forestry sector and it also acknowledged as one of the most renowned in Europe. It is part of the Department of Bio Agro-Food Sciences.

For further information about the IPSP activities please refer to the new website:


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