Work in progress: integration with!

Hello! This is to announce that the database is now linked to! topic “PCR PRIMERS FOR THE IDENTIFICATION OF PHYTOPATHOGENIC FUNGI“, available following this link, where I will post the article sources of new primer sets loaded. Starting today, only papers published in 2012 will be reported.


. . . → Read More: Work in progress: integration with!


World Map of High-throughput Sequencers

I just found this really interesting map, showing the world distribution of High-throughput Sequencers:

Next Generation Genomics: World Map of High-throughput Sequencers

The High-Throughput Sequencing Map site is developed and maintained by James Hadfield (Cancer Research UK, Cambridge) and Nick Loman (University of Birmingham).

For those interested in high-throughput sequencing of their preferred bug, this . . . → Read More: World Map of High-throughput Sequencers
