The Next NGS Challenge Conference

The Next NGS Challenge Conference is a joint event of the EU COST Action SeqAhead, the EMBnet, the International Society of Computational Biology ISCB and the 7FP Project STATegra that aims to become a dedicated meeting on cutting-edge Next Generation Sequencing applications. The goal of this Conference is to bring together computational biologist and bioinformaticians . . . → Read More: The Next NGS Challenge Conference


FungiQuant: A broad-coverage fungal quantitative real-time PCR assay

Background Fungal load quantification is a critical component of fungal community analyses. Limitation of current approaches for quantifying the fungal component in the human microbiome suggests the need for new broad-coverage techniques. Methods We analyzed 2,085 18S rRNA gene sequences from the SILVA database for assay design. We generated and quantified plasmid . . . → Read More: FungiQuant: A broad-coverage fungal quantitative real-time PCR assay


Development and verification of a diagnostic assay based on EF-1 α for the identification of Armillaria species in Northern Europe


The overall aim of this study was to develop a new, reliable and rapid diagnostic assay for differentiating six European Armillaria species based on variation in their elongation factor-1 alpha (EF-1 α) gene sequences and to verify a set of species-specific primers . . . → Read More: Development and verification of a diagnostic assay based on EF-1 α for the identification of Armillaria species in Northern Europe


Application of High-Throughput DNA Sequencing in Phytopathology

Application of High-Throughput DNA Sequencing in Phytopathology Annual Review of Phytopathology Vol. 49: 87-105 (Volume publication date September 2011) DOI: 10.1146/annurev-phyto-072910-095408 David J. Studholme, Rachel H. Glover, and Neil Boonham

A must-read review on Next-Generation Sequencing methods applied in Plant Pathology. Both Genomic and Transcriptomic aspects are treated, and the associated computational and bioinformatics . . . → Read More: Application of High-Throughput DNA Sequencing in Phytopathology
