By Stefano Ghignone, on August 31st, 2012
The genus Phytophthora consists of many species that cause important diseases in ornamental, agronomic, and forest ecosystems worldwide. Molecular methods have been developed for detection and identification of one or several species of Phytophthora in single or multiplex reactions. In this article, we describe a padlock probe (PLP)-based multiplex method of detection and . . . → Read More: A Universal Microarray Detection Method for Identification of Multiple Phytophthora spp. Using Padlock Probes
By Stefano Ghignone, on August 31st, 2012
Plasmopara halstedii, the causal agent of downy mildew of sunflower, is an oomycete listed as a quarantine pathogen. This obligate parasite resides in a quiescent state in seeds of sunflower and can be spread from seed production areas to areas of crop production by international seed trade. To prevent the spread or the . . . → Read More: An Optimized Duplex Real-Time PCR Tool for Sensitive Detection of the Quarantine Oomycete Plasmopara halstedii in Sunflower Seeds
By Stefano Ghignone, on August 31st, 2012
Phaeomoniella chlamydospora and Phaeoacremonium aleophilum are the two main fungal causal agents of Petri disease and esca. Both diseases cause significant economic losses to viticulturalists. Since no curative control measures are known, proactive defensive measures must be taken. An important aspect of current research is the development of sensitive and time-saving protocols for . . . → Read More: Real-Time PCR Detection of Phaeomoniella chlamydospora and Phaeoacremonium aleophilum
By Stefano Ghignone, on August 31st, 2012
A protocol using real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for the direct detection and quantification of Plasmodiophora brassicae in soil samples was developed and used on naturally and artificially infested soil samples containing different concentrations of P. brassicae. Species-specific primers and a TaqMan fluorogenic probe were designed to amplify a small region of P. . . . → Read More: In-field distribution of Plasmodiophora brassicae measured using quantitative real-time PCR
The overall aim of this study was to develop a new, reliable and rapid diagnostic assay for differentiating six European Armillaria species based on variation in their elongation factor-1 alpha (EF-1 α) gene sequences and to verify a set of species-specific primers . . . → Read More: Development and verification of a diagnostic assay based on EF-1 α for the identification of Armillaria species in Northern Europe
Live Counts Genera: 101
Species: 205
Primer sets: 575
References: 284